Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Shanghai Day 1

Tuesday, June 27-Hong Kong: The lush green mountains, visible from our gate, make arrival in Hong Kong on 6/27 very impressive.  A two-hour layover allowed for freshening up, and a change of clothing (for some) after a 13-hour flight, gets us ready for the flight to Shanghai, another two hours.

Wednesday, June 28-Shanghai for two nights: A bus ride to catch a fantastic ride on the Megalift...China's high speed train that operates on a magnetic system. No traditional rail lines. This was built for the 2008 Olympic Games, an 18 mile long "track" (for now) that runs at high speed (431 kilometers / 268 miles per hr).  The abbreviated length of the track prevents the top speed possible which is over 500 kilometers per hr.  Currently, only from 9:00 to 10:45 am.
 Happily on China soil :)
 Impressive view of The 800 ft high Pearl Tower
 About to board the Megalift

Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Journey to China Officially Began in LA

The traffic in Los Angeles is not at all to be trusted…waaay too dense and unpredictable. We set out for the airport with more than enough check-in time, but were still caught in a jam just outside LAX.  An accident? Broken vehicle? Couldn’t tell, but it was enough to mess with plans of anyone who waited too long to head out.  But in short order we were in the hands of Cathay Pacific for our 1:00 am departure out of LA across the pacific.