An entire week spent in Wandoor, Kerala at the Girls GovernmentVocational High School (GGVHSS) with young ladies who were a delight to be around! Not having many opportunities (for some none at all) to interact with people from the west, they were thrilled to have us mostly to themselves for five full days!
Many were shy at first, (perhaps after being warned by their concerned teachers and school leaders not to bother us). The girls belong to many different organizations on campus including the band, the 4H Club, the English Club, and more, and all of these were represented at the welcome parade held in our honor. What I noticed most was pride in their eyes, amidst faces bright with genuine, beautiful smiles.
Each day on campus students (teachers, and PTA members) came out in droves "to meet the Americans." The entire week in Kerala was an honor, a spectacular time, and a humbling experience!
Each of my colleagues and I spent our time in myriad ways: the following are some highlights: *individually teaching classes of 50-55
*students interacting with teachers (some of whom came to classrooms to observe and had questions for us)
*spending time with education officials who sought our ideas and opinions on how they could improve their school,
*enjoying Indian, and specifically, Keralites' kindness and hospitality (we were fed beyond belief, and were made to understand that it was parents who catered our lunches each day!!
*participating in panel discussions around Wandoor and neighboring Nilambur, and being interviewed (and constantly photographed:) by the media
*visiting a plethora of cultural sites
*being hosted by the families of new friends we met
**In addition to the picture and link below, click on the Kerala tab to see more stunning and enlightening images
Tree-planting on campus at GGVHSS
Girl Power at 4H Ceremony
Many were shy at first, (perhaps after being warned by their concerned teachers and school leaders not to bother us). The girls belong to many different organizations on campus including the band, the 4H Club, the English Club, and more, and all of these were represented at the welcome parade held in our honor. What I noticed most was pride in their eyes, amidst faces bright with genuine, beautiful smiles.
Each day on campus students (teachers, and PTA members) came out in droves "to meet the Americans." The entire week in Kerala was an honor, a spectacular time, and a humbling experience!
Each of my colleagues and I spent our time in myriad ways: the following are some highlights: *individually teaching classes of 50-55
*students interacting with teachers (some of whom came to classrooms to observe and had questions for us)
*spending time with education officials who sought our ideas and opinions on how they could improve their school,
*enjoying Indian, and specifically, Keralites' kindness and hospitality (we were fed beyond belief, and were made to understand that it was parents who catered our lunches each day!!
*participating in panel discussions around Wandoor and neighboring Nilambur, and being interviewed (and constantly photographed:) by the media
*visiting a plethora of cultural sites
*being hosted by the families of new friends we met
**In addition to the picture and link below, click on the Kerala tab to see more stunning and enlightening images
Tree-planting on campus at GGVHSS
Girl Power at 4H Ceremony